Thursday, December 6, 2018

Dear Future Generations: Sorry

Forests give us oxygen, food, shelter, medicines, fuel, and furniture. Forests protect us from the heat of the sun, and from wind, cold, and rain. Forests maintain the balance of nature, the environment, the climate, the weather, and the composition of the atmosphere. As a matter of fact, forests are our life. But what are we doing? We are destroying the forests, meaning we are destroying our life and our future. All the problems we face today are made worse by deforestation. If we are thinking beings, we must save plants and forests, because they save us.

Image result for deforestationForests are rapidly disappearing due to human greediness and satisfaction of their own selves. Deforestation and illegal logging are the lead cause of degradation of most  rain forest in the world. Nature is connected to us -- humans, yet we cannot be satisfied of what nature give us so, we tend to cross the line or boundary set for us. We are told in the video about the sufferings of the future generations might experience if we ignore this phenomena we created. 

The video is really great since it really touched my heart and also I feel guilty somehow about the wrongdoings we have done in our  nature. We only think about us, about our future of our generation but not the future of the people who will exist after us.

Related imageThe video is trying to warn the millennial generation about our mistakes that we should correct now. The time is now, we need to do something significant to help our nature, to build a home of comfort to the new generation.

The video is very effective to those who watched it, because you will really realized how we abused our nature within our satisfaction. Realizing that nature gives us everything we need but we still tend to use it in a wrong way.

In early times, man had a good relationship with Mother Earth, but since humans developed cities and industries, the modern lifestyle has changed. Man has been using and misusing natural resources up to the limit. Now we are tearing up remote corners of the planet looking for crude oil and coal, and our forests and wild animals are disappearing. Our environment is totally polluted: we drink polluted water, inhale air full of dust, and eat food with traces of pesticides and other toxic chemicals. Hence we are suffering from diseases. As a result of human activities, the ozone layer has a hole, the sea is rising, and the ice caps of Antarctica and Greenland are melting. Now global warming is warning us that climate change is not a hoax and it is coming. Mother Earth is in danger; life on Earth is in danger. Let us come together to save our life-giving and life-saving Mother Earth.

                                   We must save the world now or regret it!

Image result for save the mother earth

"The importance of modern media to me as part of the youth and as a Filipino."

Related imageAccording to Brian Neese, new media refers to those digital media that are interactive, incorporate two-way communication and involve some form of computing. In my own words, new media is highly interactive than the old media, it allows to produce multiple operations of the same object simultaneously. Through the years of improving the means of communication, the participation of the audiences in the new media evolve. The use of algorithms, which is an essential part of the new media, do not depend on technology but can be performed by humans.

Related imageAs a part of the new generation or commonly called as the 'millennial generation', we were born in an advanced technology era where we can easily access the internet or disseminate information to other people. Life becomes easy when technology shaped people, new media lessened the time that is needed to accomplish a certain task. As a youth, new media made us join in digital world which we could interact with the technology and create a multiple data in the same time.

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Social media has been the most common in the means of communication nowadays, it helped a lot of individuals to contact their loved ones far from them in seconds. However, social media has become dangerous for those reckless people who does not think before posting in the internet that usually lead to fake news and miscommunication. It became the medium of fan-wars, discrimination or usually called cyber bullying.

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There are so many ways to improve that, first think be you click, that would be the most important. Analyzing the result that might happen could lead into better decision. Next is don.t be fooled by everything you see in social media, never be reckless in doing such things because social media is a worldwide means of communication. Everything you post in social media, everyone in the world will see it. In the contrary, new media has a lot of benefits if we will just use it in a good way.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

New Day Ahead

First day of school in second semester made my mind buffer for all the works that we need to do throughout the whole semester, not to mention my own personal problems...I'm dazedddddddddd

Social Media Influencer

Media and Information Literacy subject helped me a lot in knowing in depth fields in media. I was able to know or to differentiate rathe...